So anyway, back to happy thoughts about #beij. Todayn we're supposed to talk about our three favorite bloggers, which leads to a whole other smoothie glass full of mixed up emotions. I'm super excited about this post, because I got to connect with some of my favorite bloggers out there (They actually responded to me!) and share them with you all! I'm just a little tiiiiiinny bit uncomfortable with naming favorites. To ease my discomfort, let it be known that I also really, realllllly like lots of other blogs. But I've never been a fan of everybody wins, so on principle I pulled together a top three.
| Aunie Sauce
The voice: Annelise (Aunie) Rowe
What's it about? Aunie Sauce is all about Aunie's life, which includes fitness goals and accomplishments, fashion, inspiring stories about her battle with trichotillomania, family celebrations, and, most recently, her journey at BMT to become an Airman with the Air National Guard.
What's the big deal? Besides the fact that she has some really cool stuff going on in her life right now, Aunie's attitude about it all is what really pulls me in! She has a positive outlook on stuff that's going on, and reading from the journal of someone like that keeps my head in the right place. Thanks Aunie!
The voice: Annelise (Aunie) Rowe
What's it about? Aunie Sauce is all about Aunie's life, which includes fitness goals and accomplishments, fashion, inspiring stories about her battle with trichotillomania, family celebrations, and, most recently, her journey at BMT to become an Airman with the Air National Guard.
What's the big deal? Besides the fact that she has some really cool stuff going on in her life right now, Aunie's attitude about it all is what really pulls me in! She has a positive outlook on stuff that's going on, and reading from the journal of someone like that keeps my head in the right place. Thanks Aunie!
Meet Aunie
She's not just a blogger - Aunie also works at in the fundraising office of a non-profit hospital and is an Airman with the Air National Guard. Besides Aunie Sauce, she has a couple other blogs dedicated to beauty (LastLash) and her journey to healthier hair (Bye Bye Beehive).
Allie: How long have you been blogging?
Aunie: I began blogging in November of 2010 at LastLash (a beauty blog), but I didn't start blogging at Aunie Sauce until November of 2011. Once I learned how to blog at LastLash, I knew I wanted to start a blog that was basically a journal of my life. I love to blog about my travels, my stories, my greatest memories. It's all a part of my story and it's an honor to be able to share each moment as I go.
AL: Do you have any advice for new bloggers? (I'll admit, this one is kind of selfish, me being a new blogger and all. Oops.)
AR: It may seem simple, but if you blog about what you're passionate about (for me, it's just living each moment) you'll find yourself loving blogging. There can be a lot of pressure and comparison to "bigger and better" blogs if you let yourself get in too far, but if you blog for yourself and about something that you yourself would want to read, your passion will be evident through your writing. When you blog for yourself, it doesn't matter who's reading, it only matters if it feels good to you and is something you truly enjoy.
AL: Which one of the posts you've written is your favorite?
AR: I'd have to say that my favorite post is my Weekend Video Diary. I know, there's not much writing there and that tends to be what I'm known best for, but that post shows you who I am. It shows you my family, our laughs, the way we are. You can read line after line of a person's writing and not always feel like you get to know them. But if you see them in action, that's where the words come to life. If you'd like to see a post that has totally shaped me as a person, there's always this one.
AL: What's on your bucket list?
AR: Go skydiving! Have babies (aah! scary... maybe some day). Become an officer in the Idaho Air National Guard.
| Running on Peanut Butter
The voice: Allie Lewis
What's it about? Allie's a hardcore Crossfitter who eats paleo and has recently started up her own clothing line for girls like her who work out and have trouble finding jeans that fit: FitGirl Clothing! She shares workout experiences, the details of Crossfit competitions, what she's eating, and life stuff that's completely unrelated to fitness. It's a fun mix!
What's the big deal? Some fitness bloggers can be a little intimidating because of how perfect they seem. Allie's superfit but still very real - totally not intimidating! She also loves what she writes about, and it's always fun to read that.
Meet Allie
Allie: How long have you been blogging?
Allie (this is getting confusing): I have been blogging for just about two years now, with my 2 year blogiversary approaching this month! I started blogging after a serious relationship ended, and I had all of this free time on my hands. It kept me really busy, and not only have I been privileged to work with some awesome companies, but I have made some truly wonderful friendships from it.
AL: Any advice for new bloggers?
AL (uh, I guess initials don't clear this up, either): Find a schedule that works for you, and stick with it! Start small, maybe a few days a week blogging, and then once you find your groove, try adding an additional day in. Also, write in your true voice. Don't put on a fake front. I talk the way I would with my friends and family, and I think that tends to make my blog maybe more realistic.
AL: What are some of your absolute favorite posts that you have written?
AL: Most of my absolute favorite posts have to deal with personal moments, but looking back, I have two absolute favorites, which deal with beating yourself up and starting my own company!
AL: What's on your bucket list?
AL: Travel! I want to go to Ireland, Greece, Nashville, and Seattle so badly! I would love to just be a gypsy and travel wherever I want to go, whenever I feel like it. Also, marry Bradley Cooper. That's a pretty high bucket list item.
| Joy the Baker

What's it about? Mmm, where to begin? Corn in pancakes, browned butter, cheddar jalapeño muffins, chocolate covered anything and everything. It's a food blog jam-packed with recipes that are always fresh and original and exciting, sprinkled with some life stuff for flavor.
What's the big deal? Yummy food, which would be enough for a great blog, but Joy doesn't stop there! Beautiful pictures of said food that make my mouth water and and a laid back, down-to-earth vibe keep me coming back!
Meet Joy
Joy wasn't able to get back to me with her background info (granted, I only emailed her this morning, sooooo). In her absence, I'll give you the details I can find on the super handy Meet Joy page of her blog!
AL: How long have you been blogging?
AL as JW: I've been blogging since January 2008 when I started a blog to document my love of brownies and cake! Since then, my blog's expanded to include more than just dessert - breakfasts, soups, and breads just to name a few!
AL: So, why baking? What got you started?
AL as JW: Growing up, someone was always cooking in my house. My parents loved preparing food, so I kind of got started young and the obsession never went away.
AL: What are some of your favorite recipes from Joy the Baker?
AL as JW: I love them all, but I know that Allie happens to be partial to my Sweet Corn Pancakes and she's itching to whip up some of my Cheddar and Cranberry Soda Bread.
AL: Other than Joy the Baker, where can we find your fabulous writing and recipes? You know, in case we just can't get enough.
AL as JW: I've collaborated with Refinery 29, The Kitchn, Cupcakes and Cashmere, and Buzzfeed. I've also got a web series - Bonkers Awesome with Joy the Baker. It's all tons of fun.
Shoutout to some of my other favorite bloggers! I've been reading The Other Juliette faithfully for the past year when my friend told me to check it out. Also, the day I started following her on Blogger, I'm pretty sure I stalked every single post from ever and couldn't stop laughing the entire time, no joke. I've also had fun discovering Cause You Gotta Have Faith and Allieology through the Blog Everyday in July Challenge!
See ya'll tomorrow!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring me, Allie. Your words and kindness cannot be matched! I really appreciate it and love the two other blogs you chose. Will have to go check them out next. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so glad! It was really fun connecting with you - thanks so much for helping me out!:)
DeleteLove that you featured each one with an thinking!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I thought it would be fun for people to get to know the girls behind the blogs a little better, and it was actually pretty selfish because I really enjoyed communicating with the bloggers, too!
DeleteI checked out there blogs and they are great. I'm subscribing to them now. I always love finding new blogs to read.
ReplyDeleteI nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog
I'm really glad you liked them! Aren't they great? And thank you so much! I'm excited to do the post. It sounds really fun!