Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fountain Of Life // Why I Love My Shower

Obviously, I can't live without certain necessary items, like food and water and sleep.  I learned about that in first grade, and I've been an avid eater, agua consumer (sometimes I like to be cultured and speak Spanish), and sleeper ever since.  Also, love is important.  I remember reading about love being a basic need in my first grade Social Studies book and having my mind blown.  I came home and told my mom all about it.

"Mom, did you know you need love to survive?"

"Well, yes.  You have to have someone to take care of you.  It's really important."

"No, but you actually need it our you'll die."

I remember feeling like my Mom wasn't completely grasping the enormity of this new concept; that without being loved, something that is not physical, a person's physical body would cease to exist.

I digress.

Other than food, water, sleep, and, amazingly, love, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without my shower. First of all, I'm not good at functioning while I'm not clean.  I'll spend an entire day of dirtiness, moping around the house and trying to diagnose myself (the flu? too little sleep? cancer?), and then I finally get around to taking a shower and voila!  Miracle cure.

In addition to productivity, being clean also makes it a lot easier to make friends.  Which makes it a lot easier to have best friends.  Which contributes to the whole love thing which, as we've discussed, IS NECESSARY TO SURVIVAL!

Besides making me clean, showers are a very good place to think. I'd say that 75% of important life decisions/extraordinary ideas/hard-hitting realizations that I've had have taken place in the shower.  Is there some kind of science behind that? Maybe the water stimulates my brain. Maybe it's the fact that the shower is one of the few places where we're forced to be truly alone.  I don't know why or how, I just know it works.

Another thing I couldn't survive without? Blogging Everyday in July with Juliette, Allie, and Faith! (Good segue, huh?)



  1. There's nothing quite like a good shower! I love showering at the end of the day and feeling all clean before I put PJs on and climb into bed, such a great way to end the day!

    1. I know! I remember one time wishing there was a way I could automatically be clean without showering, but then I realized . . . showers are amazing. So I'm really glad such a thing does not exist.

  2. The shower is such a great thinking capsule!

    1. It is . . . I've had some realllllly long showers because I've had so much to think about! TMI? haha

  3. i totally agree that showers are the only time we're forced to be totally alone. i guess you could listen to music in there or whatever but at least (for now) it's the only place we have to disconnect from technology!

    1. I sometimes listen to music (I play music in my phone and put it in the sink to amplify it - no high tech stuff here!) but, another good point!

  4. Ah, yes! I need a waterproof dry erase board for all the good thoughts that pop into my head during a shower! ��

    1. That. Is. Genius! Did you think of that one in the shower? Anyway, when you invent that I will totally buy stock in your company!


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