... wanna see?
I started summer bucket listing a few years ago, and it may possibly be the best idea I have ever had. I give myself plenty to do, so I'm never bored. Trying to accomplish everything on the list also keeps me from getting stuck in a rut of poorly disguised routine, like the summer I discovered Disney channel and watched Wizards of Waverly Place 24/7, or the one immediately following that when all I did was work out. There's more to life than that. There's Nickelodeon, and cake, and summer bucket lists help me to make sure I appreciate all that the 104 days of summer vacation have to offer. Stuff like:
| Tagging along to my little sister's horseback riding lessons
| Running, in actual official runs and races. Like the Color Run, pictured below.
| Taking the time to make - and eat - pancakes for breakfast.
| Hiking.
| Family vacations.
| Gardening the garden.
| Baseball games.
| Adventures, like this one to the Heidelberg Project in Detroit last July.
| Swimming in the back yard.
Well, actually our pool died this year. But it was fun while it lasted.
RIP pool.
| Hammock laying.
Crossing off a summer bucket list item by completing the Blog Everyday in July challenge with Juliette, Faith, and Allie! Thanks guys!