This morning, I woke up feeling pretty normal: ya know: tired, hot, and slightly discombobulated (gosh, I love that word!) Accordingly, I looked in the mirror, expecting to see my normal self. Except it wasn't my normal self. I looked really, really good. Supernaturally good. You can't even imagine. That's when I remembered my dream from the night before about getting any superpowers I wanted for the day. Apparently, I'd picked supergoodlookingness, among other things.
Obviously, I wasn't going to waste the best hair day I might ever have sitting around the house, working out, or something equally as useless. The thing to do was to head over to the home of my celebrity crush, Daniel Norman* YES I KNOW WHERE HE LIVES I HAVE CONNECTIONS, and make him love me. Prior to having superpowers, I'd always let the fact that Daniel had a girlfriend and the fact that he doesn't know me
I hopped my gorgeous self into my car (I could have flown, but I thought it would have been too dramatic of an entrance) and drove to Daniel's. And from there all I had to do was hop out and knock on the door and he answered and we got married.
The end.
*Daniel Norman is kind of real in the fact that he is my celebrity crush. But his name isn't Daniel Norman because, hello, identity protection!
Thanks to Juliette, Allie, and Faith for my superpowers today, because now I'm married! #blogeverydayinJuly
Allie (Norman)