Monday, April 13, 2015

It's a Fine, Fine Life 1 // Countdowns

And then spring break was over, and school started again with the countdown to graduation.  After a week of being away from real life and almost completely forgetting that big things are happening soon, it's all coming back and it's kind of overwhelming and exciting.  48 days until freshman orientation at Grand Valley.  56 days until leaving to begin training at the camp I'll work at this summer.  63 days until graduation.  

This is the first time that I've done this: laid out the days and counted them and really thought about the way that life's going to be changing so soon.  It scares me, and I am so thankful for that. 

Life is good always because it holds opportunities to do things that are so worth it that they're terrifying.  We get to try things that aren't easy and have the potential to turn out a total mess, to screw them up or blow them out of the water and keep going.  I like that that's an option that I have. 

Life is good right now because it's not giving me opportunities to do new things - it's encouraging it.  Doing things that aren't exactly comfortable is the norm at this stage, when things are changing constantly and easily.  I'm thankful for it.  I'd like to take full advantage of right now.  //

Today's the first day of the "It's a Fine, Fine Life" link up.  Add your post about why life's good, and keep coming back every Tuesday for more!  I can't wait to share this with you!



1 comment:

  1. So exciting!!! It will go by so fast - so try to take a moment & take it all in! I'm a Grand Valley alum (Go Great Lakers!), so I know you will live GVSU. Some of my best memories are on that campus!
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole


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