Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Can't Actually Juggle // GIVEAWAY

A few weeks ago, Holly from Summer Sky Designs nominated me for the Liebster Award.  (Thanks, Holly!) Actually, it's been exactly a month.  I'm finally getting around to sharing with you who I fangirl over, how I feel about dark chocolate, and exactly how afraid you should be if we're in a car together.

1// What do you fangirl over?
I'm not much of a fangirl-er, because usually I like to act like I'm too cool and don't care that much (even if I'm borderline obsessed).  But the closest I probably ever come is with The Office, my first ever Netflix-binge experience and favorite show, ever.  Also, Zac Efron.  Always Zac Efron.

2 // Three weird, random facts about you?
     -I'm trying really hard to learn how to juggle. This face would be a lot cooler if I already knew how.
     - I really like to be the one to pour the cereal from the original box into the bins we keep it in after we buy it.  If anyone else does it, I get pretty disappointed.  I know, I don't get it either.
     - I came very, very close to not passing my road test.  I promise I'm a safe driver, but that happened.

3 // What are you most proud of?
My mom.  That's a who, but she's a hard worker and I respect her a lot for it.

4 // What would be your dream place to live?
THIS IS SO HARD because I like exploring and would love to live all over the place, but I think I could probably be pretty happy for a long time somewhere by the water, preferably the ocean.

5 // Favorite dessert?
I think I've probably come across three desserts that I didn't like in my entire life.  But if it involves dark chocolate, I'm usually pretty happy. 

6 //What are you doing at this moment besides writing this post?
Being in study hall at school and pretending I have nothing else to get done - oops!

7 // Do you have any pets?
Yep!  I have a dog named Eddie who's adorable and a cat named Si who I'm not friends with. She's mean to me.

8 // What superpower do you want?
Flight. It's kind of a classic.

9 // If you could meet anyone (past, present, or future; fictional or real), who would you want to meet?
Malcolm Gladwell.  He writes for the New Yorker and has a few book out, and he has met some of the most interesting people! I'd love to know what that's like. 

10 // Fruits or veggies?
Fruit! Pineapple. Mmmm.

11 // What do you want your legacy to be? In other words, what do you want people to remember you by/for?
I'd like them to remember that I was different, which I guess is what everybody wants.  So, that's going well.  That I influenced people around me for the better and did hard things and got the most out of life that I possibly could.

Also . . . for giving away free stuff!  It's Nina's 3 year blogiversary today, and she and I and a couple of her blog friends are giving away fun things to celebrate!  If you win, you'll receive:

-a $50 Target gift card
-a DIY mug design of your choice
-fresh Appalachian Morning coffee from Nina's favorite and local coffee shop

the grand adventures of me || the new wifestyle || emily finta || endliss bliss || reckless

Good luck, and have a great Wednesday!


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