As you may have noticed, it's August today, which means that I missed my chance at free prints from Snapfish, my birthday is in ten days, and Blog Everyday in July is over.
But it's not. Juliette, Allie, and Faith kindly joined a new host, Lindsay from The Wife in Training (which, by the way, is so funny. Check it out!) They wanted to hear our accents, so they added one last link up topic for today, asking us to answer a bunch of questions and say a some words.

Call me crazy, but I honestly don't think I have an accent - at most, I just sound kind of nasaly from time to time. Midwest accents are not charming. Well, maybe they are! Maybe you people from Texas and the Carolinas love the sound of a good northern accent just as much as I love the southern kind! I'll let you make that judgement for yourself. (Drumroll please.) Please enjoy my second . . . everrrrr . . . VLOG!
I repeat, thanks for watching! Just to keep it real . . . you should know that I literally had to clear out a hole in the clothes and general clutter that usually covers the floor of my room in order to film this. I had my laptop set up on a laundry basket and I sat in the barely butt-sized hole that I had cleaned, just for this occasion. Also, I put on a bunch of makeup and a real shirt for your sake, but that's as far as I was willing to go. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was either wearing pajama pants or none at all for the majority of this vlog.
So, yeah. Not a professional. I'm working on it.
Later, skater!