Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I Really Like You // It's a Fine, Fine Life 4

Hi! How've ya been?  On the blogging side of things, it's been kind of exciting around here lately.  I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a new URL (www.recklessblog.com, tell your friends), a few new layout changes, and some subtle but so-helpful cleaning up work that Kiera's been doing for me - she's an HTML wizard, as far as I'm concerned.  (By the way, did you see her post on Saturday?  Here ya go. )  So, that's all pretty fun!  This space is getting prettier and closer to what I'm really, really happy with, which I (obviously) am in favor of.  

So, I don't know if you've heard, but I'm a senior in high school and I'm leaving home to go to college in t-3ish months.  (That was a joke.  That's pretty much all I talk about here anymore, because apparently I'm suffering from pre-separation anxiety and wayyyy overblown nostalgia and am obsessed with bringing it up whenever I can.)  I'm not going to say again how saying goodbye is hard and how basically my entire life is bittersweet right now - for that, you can refer to this, this, and this.  I do, however, have ANOTHER new observation that's come from this whole emotional trip I've been on lately.  Ready?

It's pretty cool that there's stuff in my life that I care about enough to not want to leave behind.  

I recently had a classmate ask me what I'd change about myself if I could go back to freshman year knowing what I know now.  I was surprised when I answered without hesitation:  "I'd be a lot nicer.  I'd actually meet people instead of assuming that I already knew them and what they were about." 

I have my friends and some weird life events that can only be attributed to God to thank for the fact that I'm not the same quick-to-judge, too-cool person that I was.  I mean, I didn't make that change by choice; I'm pretty sure that it would have been literally impossible for me to stay the same.  I get to be friends with interesting, wonderful people now that I'm more open to faces who don't look like mine on the surface.  Those people have taught me a truth that I've always known by words but not by experience: that people are inherently valuable and so worth my time.

As a result, I spend a lot of my time right now around people who I genuinely like, and I am so amazed by that.  All the self-help books and your grandma and psychiatrists will tell you that being happy has a lot to do with the people around you, and I'd agree with that, to an extent.  I think the key to surrounding yourself with people you enjoy might have a little bit to do with who those people are, but I think it has even more to do with how well you let yourself see them.  //

Today's It's a Fine, Fine Life!  Write a little about what's good about your life right now, throw the picture down there onto it, and share it - it's a lot more fun that way.


  1. So excited to be back joining in the link up this week! This link up makes my heart happy :) <3

  2. Yay! Glad you're here! Me, too - I kind of need it, because it helps me to get my mind in a good place.


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