Friday, November 21, 2014

25 Things // Week in Review

Friday is for lists: I present to you 25 things that made this week a lot cooler than it would have been if they never would have happened.
1.  Starting "The Office" on Netflix.  I'm mostly watching it for Jim and Pam, because clearly I'm a hopeless romantic.
2.  Spitting out my tomato soup because I can't control myself when mildly funny things happen.  Even more, the fact that I definitely did not regain control after the fact and ended up a teary, tomato soup-y mess.
3.  It snowed today!
4.  And now I am up to my neck in Christmas spirit and I don't hate it.
5.  The fact that school ended 45 minutes early today.
6.  This quote: "Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention."
7.  The purchase of a Mountain Lodge scented candle from Bath and Body Works.  It's gone now, but it was fun while it lasted.
8.  Running.  I haven't run in, like, 35 years, and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I should be, which is always a pleasant surprise.
9. Chocolate chip nutella pudding cookies happened, and also banana nutella upside down cake.  That's a good, good week.
10.  Frozen yogurt got gotten, baby gummi bears included.  All about the baby gummi bears.
11.  My nail polish isn't even that chipped.
12.  The school week had once less day than it normally does, so Friday is one day earlier and I am all over that.
13. I've worn pants (as opposed to skirts, not as opposed to going pantsless) every single day, and I have been so much more comfy and warm than I thought I could ever be. 
14.  Receiving a surprise valentine.  Valentines are so much more exciting when they're given on not Valentine's day!
15.  Long, lazy weekend, complete with late sleeping mornings and pajamas all day. 
16.  Learning how to lead my small group at school devotions better by listening.
17.  On that note, the chapel that spoke right to my heart yesterday.
18.  And the crazy story of Jonathan in 1 Samuel 14 that keeps on showing up in my life.  "Perhaps the Lord will work in our favor." Yes!
19.  The Insagram hashtag #doginablanket, courtesy of The Daily Tay. 
20.  Little to no homework, erreday.  Hellloooo, senior year.
21.  On that note, time to laugh with friends and to work out after school and to write in this place.
22.  I don't know about you, but we've had some mighty fine sunsets where I live (ahem at like 5:30 which I'm not okay with.) Premature, yes, but they've been beautiful!
23.  Hearing two of my teachers talking about a song being "their jam."  I love it. 
24.  Getting enough sleep.
25.  Filling out job applications.  It's not that fun, but it's helping me get a job and I can get behind that.
Have a great weekend!
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